A very rare follis of Martinian
Los 2373
Martinian, usurper, 324. Follis (Bronze, 21 mm, 3.15 g, 12 h), Nicomedia. D N M MARTINIANVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Martinian to right. Rev. IOVI CONS-ERVATORI / X/IIΓ / SMNB Jupiter standing front, head to left, holding Victory on globe in his right hand and long scepter in his left; at his feet to left, eagle standing left, holding wreath in his beak; to right, captive seated to right, his head turned to left. Cohen 3. RIC 45. Very rare. Some deposits and light scratches, otherwise, fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Martinian, Licinius' magister officiorum, was appointed as co-Augustus after Licinius' defeat by Constantine I in the Battle of Adrianople on 3 July 324. Martinian's main task was to prevent Constantine from crossing the Hellespont, but Constantine crossed the Bosporus instead and defeated Licinius once again in the Battle of Chrysopolis on 18 September 324. Both Licinius and Martinian were captured in the aftermath of the defeat and eventually executed the year thereafter.
75 CHF
1102 CHF
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